Home News OpenAI can access Twitter data for $2 million a year, Elon Musk...

OpenAI can access Twitter data for $2 million a year, Elon Musk thinks it is cheap


According to news on May 2, since the end of last year, Elon Musk has been warning of the dangers of artificial intelligence on the one hand, but on the other hand, he has vigorously promoted the research and development of artificial intelligence technology. Compete.

In December, Elon Musk was outraged by the progress of artificial intelligence and firmly opposed it. He discovered a connection between OpenAI and Twitter, the social media platform he helms. According to two people familiar with the matter, OpenAI has obtained access to Twitter tweet data at a price of US$2 million per year. But Elon Musk believed that OpenAI was not paying enough, so he cut off the link between OpenAI and the Twitter platform data.

Since then, Elon Musk has stepped up his activities in the field of artificial intelligence and has publicly discussed the dangers of the technology. He is in discussions with Jimmy Ba, a researcher and professor at the University of Toronto, about launching a new artificial intelligence company called X.AI, according to three people familiar with the matter. In addition, Elon Musk also invited top artificial intelligence researchers from Google’s DeepMind to join his Twitter. At the same time, he also publicly stated that he wants to create a platform that can compete with ChatGPT and can generate a variety of content without restrictions.

The history between Elon Musk and artificial intelligence is long and complicated, and he has conflicting views on technology. Sometimes he believes that artificial intelligence can benefit mankind, and other times he believes that it will destroy mankind. Elon Musk recently launched his own artificial intelligence project and signed an open letter last month calling for a six-month moratorium on the development of artificial intelligence technology, citing concerns that it poses a “serious risk to society.”

Although Elon Musk now opposes OpenAI and plans to compete with it, he personally helped create the nonprofit artificial intelligence lab in 2015. Elon Musk later said he was disillusioned with OpenAI because it was no longer a nonprofit and because the technology OpenAI was developing would be biased.

Ultimately, Elon Musk just wants to get his hands dirty. According to people familiar with Elon Musk, the 51-year-old billionaire has always believed that his artificial intelligence projects are better and safer than those of competitors.

Anthony Aguirre, a theoretical cosmologist at UC Santa Cruz and founder of the Future of Life Institute, said he shares Elon Musk’s belief that AI will be a critical tipping point if not managed properly. , will have catastrophic consequences. Aguirre’s group launched an open letter calling for a moratorium on AI technology development. He added, “Elon Musk, like many people, is thinking: How do we do this?”

Elon Musk and Jimmy Ba, a professor at the University of Toronto who developed a mainstream algorithm for training artificial intelligence systems, are still discussing how to develop artificial intelligence, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Hannah Wong, a spokeswoman for OpenAI, said that while the company now generates profits for investors, it is still run by a nonprofit with capped profits.

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