Home News Two-way travel in the mobile industry: Apple has Smart Island, Android has...

Two-way travel in the mobile industry: Apple has Smart Island, Android has Smart Bird


The iPhone 14 series is noteworthy for its “waste to treasure” island design. The island is presented in a long oval shape in standby and changes its shape when there are notifications of incoming calls and text messages so that users can receive these messages more intuitively.

Users can also long-press to bring up the control options, which can display the current status of the app, but also real-time changes to show important reminders, notifications and activities, and the whole set of interactive animation is very smooth and silky.

While Android users are “sour” on this feature, third-party developers on the Android platform have already started to “move” the “Smart Island” to the Android platform by way of reference.

It is understood that the “Lingdiao” can achieve charging and headphone connection tips two functions, “widget box” can achieve QQ Music, NetEase cloud music, AppleMusic, Spotify lyrics bar display and headphone connection tips, but due to the many Android models, users need to adjust the position of the plug-in to avoid the notification bar information obscured as much as possible.

However, some users said that at least five features on the iPhone 14 series are copied from Android, or at least borrowed from the inspiration of Android manufacturers, including the so-called new features such as the Lingering Island, punch front lens, always-on display, dynamic refresh rate, car accident detection are played by Huawei, LG and other Android manufacturers.

Previously Bloomberg MarkGurman said that in order to protect the patent and avoid the Lingering Island being exposed in advance, Apple deliberately went to Jamaica in July this year to register the Lingering Island trademark. Because in Jamaica to register a trademark must apply offline, and does not support online search.

So it seems that Apple Android, Android Apple, this is not a cell phone world “two-way run” it?

At present, the iPhone 14 series has been in the evening of September 9 on the e-commerce platform for the first wave of purchase activities, while the official website is for pre-sale.

Pre-sale data shows that the iPhone 14 ProMax has become the best-selling model of Apple’s new generation of cell phones, better than the iPhone 13 ProMax, driving Apple’s share price to the biggest increase since May this year.

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