Home Gaming Nintendo did consider Switch Pro, but ultimately canceled the plan

Nintendo did consider Switch Pro, but ultimately canceled the plan


Rumors of a Nintendo Switch Pro have been around for a long time, although there is no concrete evidence to prove its existence, now according to the Digital Foundry Direct Weekly podcast, they cite several developers as saying that Nintendo considered the Switch Pro, but it was eventually cancelled.

John Linneman, editor of the outlet, said, “From what I’ve heard from talking to different developers, there was some sort of mid-term Switch update planned, but that doesn’t seem to be happening anymore. So it’s clear that whatever they (meaning Nintendo) do next, it’s going to be really next-gen hardware. I don’t think it’s going to be 2023.”

Linneman speculated that the Switch Pro was canceled in part because Nintendo feared another Gamecube or Wii U situation, both of which sold poorly.

VGChartz’s latest estimated console sales report shows that as of December 3, 2022, worldwide sales of Nintendo Switch consoles have surpassed 118.2 million units. This also allows the Switch to successfully surpass Sony PS4’s 117.03 million units, sitting on the fourth position of global console sales.

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