Home News Microsoft Windows 11 Task Manager will finally have a search bar

Microsoft Windows 11 Task Manager will finally have a search bar


Task Manager is one of the most commonly used applications in Microsoft Windows, providing an integrated tool to manage system resources, including running processes, system files, and startup programs. In Windows 11 version 22H2 (Update 2022), Microsoft introduced a completely redesigned Task Manager with a new look built around Fluent Design.

In the latest Windows 11 Dev 25231 release, Microsoft quietly tested the Task Manager’s search bar, which has been a huge help in finding processes.

In the current version of Windows, users can only click on the process of the task manager, and then enter letters to find the process, not to mention the efficiency is not high, the concealment of this function alone blocks many people out .

As you can see from the figure below, the latest search bar will be displayed at the top of the task manager, and the user can enter the name, publisher, PID, etc. of the process, and the search results will be displayed in the original process list.

According to foreign media Windows Latest, the feature will be extended to Windows 11 22H2 in the coming weeks/months. According to sources familiar with Windows development, the search bar integration does not guarantee a fully functional update and can be enabled with monthly updates.

This function can currently be manually turned on in the Windows 11 Dev 25231 version, which requires tools. The specific methods are:

Download the Vive Tool from the GitHub repository

Extract Vive Tool files to a directory

Start Windows Terminal as administrator, switch to Command Prompt

Use the CD command to navigate to the Vive Tool’s folder. For example, CD C:\Vive

Type vivetool /enable /id:39420424 and press enter

Restart PC & Explorer

If you want to revert the changes, you can use the command vivetool /disable /id:39420424

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