Home App Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 extensions now support Arm64

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 extensions now support Arm64


Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 supports Arm64, Visual Studio extensions now support Arm64 as well.

To add Arm64 support for a new extension or an existing extension.

  1. In the extension solution, update the VSSDK build kit to the latest version via the NuGet package manager.
  2. In the VSIX manifest, add the ProductArchitecture tag specifying arm64 and make sure the Prerequisites tag contains VS 2022.
  1. Under Properties > Build of the project, set the build target to AnyCPU or Arm64.

▼ VSIX Inventory with Arm64 Installation Target

In addition, extension developers can now publish Arm64 extensions and amd64 (64-bit) versions of extensions on a single Marketplace entry.

In June of this year, Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 supported Arm64 for the first time, allowing developers to develop Arm64 applications natively on ARM devices.

In addition, Visual Studio 2022 also supports Apple’s Apple Silicon (Arm64) processor, opening large solutions and other operations 50% faster than Visual Studio 2019 for Mac.

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