Home App Microsoft to place more ads in Microsoft Store next month, widget panel...

Microsoft to place more ads in Microsoft Store next month, widget panel and more in second half


The Microsoft Store Ads will go live on January 5, 2023, out of Beta. Microsoft says the number of active Windows users worldwide is now more than 1 billion per month, and many users will download apps and games through the Microsoft Store built into Windows.

Microsoft says advertisers can buy ads on its platform after Microsoft Store Ads goes live in January next year. Related advertising campaigns can be managed through the Microsoft Advertising platform.

Microsoft said the Microsoft Store is just starting to place ads and that marketers can lower the overall cost per click (CPC) through upfront testing, so the ads offered by Microsoft Store Ads are very competitive. Microsoft also says conversion rates can be as high as 40 percent in certain market segments.

Some of the data in the feature include product impressions, clicks, bids and tendencies to win auction benchmarks, CPC and cost per acquisition. There are also integrations with most third-party tracking partners, although Microsoft did not provide specific details about which partners.

Microsoft Store Ads After the official launch of the Microsoft Store, Microsoft said it will offer ads in MSAN, Bing Search and the widget panel in Win11 systems during the second half of next year.

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