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Microsoft has launched global roadshow to promote the commercial real estate of ChatGPT Bing Search


Microsoft has begun to show advertisers what the Bing search engine ads powered by AI chatbots will look like. Currently, Microsoft is exploring new revenue streams around generative artificial intelligence chatbots.

Over the past month, Microsoft has been holding roadshows around the world and holding private meetings with advertisers and agencies to showcase the ad format for its ChatGPT version of Bing Search, which is in testing, advertising industry sources said.

Compared with traditional search engines, the new Bing encourages users to give more input through dialogue. In addition to returning a search results page consisting of a list of website links, the new Bing can also answer questions or complete tasks in a concise manner through an artificial intelligence chatbot, such as “plan a trip to Rome” or “recommend a There is a three-course dinner menu”.

Users comparing different items also get an annotated response that indicates the source of the information. Sources involved in the road show said that these annotations can be clicked, and the link to jump can be an advertisement, and if it is an advertisement, it will be marked.

Advertisers cannot currently place ads exclusively through the Bing chatbot, but campaigns run through Bing search will automatically expand to the chatbot, sources at the agency said. You will receive a separate report on the new Bing ads, and Microsoft will aggregate the performance of all search ads and send them to advertisers.

Another advertising company executive said that text ads, multimedia ads, product ads and vertical ads can all be extended to the new Bing chatbot, and advertisers don’t need to create a separate ad delivery plan.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions about how Bing chatbots will enable ad targeting, agency sources said. For example, it is not clear whether the ads users see are based on search keywords, users’ own data, or content generated by artificial intelligence in chat results.

Dennis Westerbeek, senior digital marketer at digital agency Adwise, was excited when he saw the new Bing ad. He participated in Microsoft Advertising’s roadshow event in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He said that the number of daily active users of the new Bing has reached 100 million, “this shows that users are turning to Microsoft, so that advertisers have the opportunity to reach more potential users through Microsoft platforms.”

Microsoft declined to comment.

Microsoft hopes to leverage the attention on the new Bing and OpenAI to drive business monetization. Currently, the $112 billion search market is dominated by Google with more than 80% market share. Microsoft has previously said that every 1 percentage point increase in its market share could bring in $2 billion in search ad revenue. Google is also working on Bard, its own AI conversational search.

Microsoft also believes that artificial intelligence technology can bring more personalized search results and improve the relevance of ads, so the company can charge more for the new Bing ads. “While users may see fewer ads, those ads are more valuable to advertisers,” Philippe Ockenden, Microsoft’s vice president of finance, said on a conference call with analysts last month.

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