Home Apple Media view: Apple AR glasses project cycle itself is long

Media view: Apple AR glasses project cycle itself is long


The Apple AR/VR product has been the subject of two recent rumors: 1. Apple is trying to cut costs and plans to launch a consumer-oriented AR/VR headset for around $1,500; 2. Apple has encountered “significant technical challenges” and has shelved the development of its AR glasses, Apple Glass. Glass.

The first rumor has been echoed in a new article by foreign tech media outlet 9to5Mac, but the second is completely false, Apple’s AR glasses were clearly known to require a long development cycle from the beginning of the project and are not on hold.

The media outlet cites two reasons for this.

  1. The Apple Glass development cycle was already long.

Apple Glass was set to be close to prescription glasses in form, affordable to consumers, and provide a superior eco-experience. This in itself presents many challenges and will take years of technology and ecological development to achieve. It will not be updated as often as AR / VR headsets. 2.

  1. Apple Glass is not like an AR / VR headset

While there is some overlap between the Apple Glass project and the AR / VR headset, the two are being driven by different development teams. They are different products, and Apple has set different timelines for them.

The two projects don’t have much in common, other than reducing the cost of manufacturing the planned product by reducing components and finding a more logical mix of components.

Apple is not putting the Apple Glass project on hold, but it will still be a long wait for consumers.

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