Home Apple iPhone 14 Pro users complain about camera issues: reopening takes 4-5 seconds...

iPhone 14 Pro users complain about camera issues: reopening takes 4-5 seconds to load


Some iPhone 14 Pro users have reported problems with the Camera app, taking 4-5 seconds between opening the app icon and loading the screen. This issue usually occurs after the Camera app is already running in the background and the app is opened again from the home screen.

MacRumors reader Sephiroth0 says.

"I have the same problem with my iPhone 14 Pro (not Max). When restarting the phone and launching the camera app, the camera opens immediately. After closing and opening the camera app, it always takes 4 - 5 seconds for the camera to open. I have tested other apps with the camera and it opens immediately. I think this is a software bug."

This problem does not occur if the camera app has been manually closed and reopened, or after the software has been restarted. It only seems to happen when the Camera app is running in the background and this does not appear to be an issue that affects all users. Complaints are mainly from iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max users and occur in all photo modes.

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