Home Gaming GTA6 has completed development and is undergoing final polishing

GTA6 has completed development and is undergoing final polishing


According to the well-known uncle party (R Star internal staff) @Tez2 news, R Star has completed “GTA6” “bankrelease”, “beta” and ” debug” versions of the file.

He believes that the “bankrelease” is only a debug version designed to be “feature complete”, while the “beta” version is roughly the same, but adds The “beta” version is roughly the same, but with additional features, and is intended to be “content complete” and “feature complete”.

To put it simply, this game already has a complete UI, and the core functions can be used normally, but it may still have imperfections in the visual aspect, and there are many bugs in the details that need to be constantly verified.

From the “content complete” state, the development team usually enters the “polish” phase, where various optimizations need to be completed depending on the game’s release criteria, which can take a long time.

Speaking of this, hackers broke into Rockstar’s server last year, and released some ultra-early screenshots of “GTA6”. It seems that Rockstar has carried out a lot of development work after that. It is expected that we may play this game next year or even the year after.

In order to make it easier for everyone to understand this progress, let us briefly give an example. “Final Fantasy 16” announced “complete content” in June 2022, and the game will be officially launched on June 22, 2023 after a year of polishing, which means that this 3A masterpiece will take at least about a year’s work. Time for detailed construction, unless it is postponed many times due to major difficulties like “Cyberpunk 2077”.

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