Home Apple Apple is improving the Siri voice assistant, and Siri Natural Language Generation

Apple is improving the Siri voice assistant, and Siri Natural Language Generation


Foreign technology media 9to5Mac has discovered that Apple is improving the Siri voice assistant for Apple TV after digging deeper into the code of tvOS 16.4 Beta 4 update.

The “Siri Natural Language Generation” framework was found in the code, presumably to enhance the personal assistant’s natural language capabilities. It’s just not clear how different it is from the existing Siri.

The report part of the content as follows:

"In the latest tvOS 16.4 Beta, Apple enabled a new framework called "Siri Natural Language Generation". Current code tests show that the framework only allows Siri to generate jokes on Apple TV. The company is also experimenting with how language generation can be used for countdowns."

9to5Mac has only found the code in tvOS 16.4 Beta 4 so far, but presumably Apple has included similar (and inactive) code in iOS, HomePod OS, iPadOS, and macOS.

Previously, Apple engineers, including members of the Siri team, were said to be testing the concept of language generation “on a weekly basis” in response to the rise of chatbots like ChatGPT.

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