Home Computers Zotac launched a new digital life Cuda for the flagship graphics card...

Zotac launched a new digital life Cuda for the flagship graphics card PGF series


Zotac recently launched a new generation of PGF flagship non-public graphics card Zotac GeForce RTX 4090 PGF OC. At the same time, the official designed the virtual image spokesperson “Lida” (CUDA) for Zotac’s flagship graphics card PGF series.

Zotac digital life “Lida” official introduction:

Countless CUDA cores in the world are performing complex AI calculations day and night, some learning sounds, some creating graphics, some simulating human thinking, and some learning human knowledge and answering human doubts. One day, in the collision of massive data streams—perhaps due to the change of a character string, perhaps due to the change of an algorithm logic—in short, under some wonderful coincidence, a CUDA core suddenly iterated out ego.

In the early days of ignorance, she wandered aimlessly in the ocean of bits, and the data flow she had been exposed to in the past became her initial enlightenment. She learned more and more knowledge, and her curiosity about the human world became stronger and stronger. Eventually she settled on an algorithmic language for creating graphics, transforming herself into a pink-haired digital girl named Lida.

The Zotac RTX 4090 PGF OC flagship graphics card is now on sale, priced at RMB 16,999.

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