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Zoom: promoting flexible working while asking its employees to return to the office


Zoom is a company that provides video conferencing services, during the epidemic was widely welcomed and used, became synonymous with telecommuting, and is one of the main promoters and beneficiaries of telecommuting. However, just recently, Zoom asked some of its employees to return to the office on a regular basis.

According to Zoom, employees who live within 50 miles (or 80.47 kilometers, in IT’s case) of a Zoom office are required to be in the office at least two days a week in order to interact with their teams, a spokesperson for Zoom said in a statement. — meaning that employees who live close to the office need to be in the office two days a week to interact with their teams — is the most effective for Zoom. As a company, we are better able to utilize our own technology, continue to innovate, and support our global customers.”

The reason for this change in attitude at Zoom may have something to do with its performance and share price. in 2020, Zoom’s share price rose at least six-fold as its sales surged due to the outbreak, which left millions of employees stranded in their homes. But by 2021, as the epidemic eased and more companies began pushing employees back into the office, demand for Zoom’s videoconferencing services fell, its revenue growth slowed and its stock price plummeted. Since then, the company has lost at least $100 billion in market capitalization.

Despite this, Zoom continues to emphasize the importance of flexible work in its marketing materials. According to a survey commissioned by Zoom, 43 percent of employees view flexible work not as a benefit but as a basic expectation, and 70 percent said they would consider leaving their current job for a more flexible work environment.

Last year, Zoom said that less than 2% of its employees worked in offices. The spokesperson said, “We will continue to leverage the entire Zoom platform to keep our employees and dispersed teams connected and working efficiently.”

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