Home Google YouTube launched a series of AI tools that generate backgrounds and dubbing

YouTube launched a series of AI tools that generate backgrounds and dubbing


YouTube announced at today’s creator conference “Made on YouTube” that it will launch a series of AI-driven creator tools. The tools, launching later this year or next, include AI-generated photo and video backgrounds, as well as video topic guidance and suggestion tools, and music search tools.

Summarizes as follows:

Dream Screen: AI can be used to generate videos and photos that creators can use as backgrounds for YouTube shorts and then insert their own content. Initially, creators will be able to enter prompts or commands to generate backgrounds, but YouTube hopes that creators will eventually be able to use AI tools to remix and orchestrate existing content to create new content.

AI Insights (Video Topic Ideas and Outline Generator): This feature will be integrated into the YouTube Studio creator management platform. AI can personalize video topics based on the creator’s personal situation and audience trends.

AI-based music recommendation system: It can recommend appropriate background music or audio based on the creator’s description of the video’s characteristics and key points.

Aloud: Also integrated within YouTube Studio, AI-generated dubbing of videos (other than their native language) in another language with just one click allows creators to pre-check it before adding it to the video. The tool is currently being tested on a small scale and will be available to a wider audience next year.

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