Home App Wine 8.5 released: integrate VKD3D 1.7 and fix 21 bugs

Wine 8.5 released: integrate VKD3D 1.7 and fix 21 bugs


Wine 8.5 was officially released today, which is the fifth updated version after entering the biweekly update cycle. The biggest highlight of this update is the integration of VKD3D 1.7 released last week and the deployment of Direct3D 12 based on the industry standard Vulkan API.

VKD3D 1.7 adds additional HLSL functions, integrates a large number of internal functions, calls user-defined functions, etc.

Wine 8.5 also adds a new option to Winecfg for setting dark mode for WinRT applications. In addition, the new version also optimizes error reporting in the IDL compiler, adds registry entries for shared WoW64 classes, cleans up IME support, and fixes various bugs.

There are 21 known bug fixes in Wine 8.5, affecting software such as Notepad++, reg.exe, Chocolatey OpenSSH, and Chromium, as well as games such as Deus Ex: Invisible War, Fair Strike, etc.

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