Home Apple Unopened 2007 Apple iPhone finally sells: approximately RMB 260,000

Unopened 2007 Apple iPhone finally sells: approximately RMB 260,000


On October 18, 2007, an unopened 2007 iPhone went for $39,339.60 at an LCG (London Capital Group) auction, according to foreign media reports.

The auction ended on Sunday afternoon. The 8GB version of the original iPhone was reportedly priced at $599, and 15 years later it is now worth 65 times that amount.

The original iPhone reportedly had a 3.5-inch screen, a 2-megapixel camera and a web browser. 15 years ago, when the late Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder and CEO, first introduced the product, he called it “an iPod, a mobile phone and an Internet communicator all rolled into one. “.

The auction house says that this first-generation iPhone in its sealed condition is very special and valuable, and it is this characteristic that makes it such a popular collector’s item.

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