Home Electric Vehicles Tesla Cybertruck’s new interface exposed, hints support for wireless charging

Tesla Cybertruck’s new interface exposed, hints support for wireless charging


Tesla seems to be changing its mind and plans to add wireless induction charging capabilities to its electric vehicles. This sign comes from a new interface of the Cybertruck battery pack that was recently discovered.

Tesla has previously been uninterested in adding wireless charging capabilities to its electric vehicles. After all, charging your car with a traditional charging cable isn’t a particularly cumbersome and time-consuming task. However, Tesla has talked about automating the charging process for the arrival of self-driving technology. If cars can drive themselves, they would ideally also be able to charge themselves without human intervention, which would be very practical.

However, wireless charging also has some problems, such as low efficiency. The losses of traditional wireless charging are usually higher than using a charging cable, but some new technologies in recent years, such as magnetic resonance charging, claim to achieve 95% efficiency similar to using a charging cable.

Still, Tesla has for years preferred to use robotic arms to automate charging rather than wireless charging. However, this seems to have changed recently.

Last year, Tesla showed off a new wireless home charging station (above). Tesla has not made any comment other than showing this image at the presentation. However, the style of the wireless charging station can be clearly seen in the picture. It is worth mentioning that Tesla briefly acquired a start-up company focused on wireless charging and later sold it, but kept some of its employees.

In addition, it is noticed that Tesla chief designer Franz von Holzhausen also recently confirmed that Tesla is developing a wireless charging pad.

Now that Tesla is developing wireless charging stations, electric vehicles also need matching receiving devices. Now it’s confirmed that at least one Tesla model is ready, and that’s the Cybertruck.

Members of the Cybertruck Owners Club discovered a connector part on the Cybertruck battery pack called the “Inductive Charger Connector” in the vehicle’s service manual. This means Tesla can add an inductive charging panel to the Cybertruck when wireless charging stations become available.

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