Home Gaming Tencent Games “Dawn Awakening Vitality” update: optimization of image quality and more

Tencent Games “Dawn Awakening Vitality” update: optimization of image quality and more


Tencent’s open-world game “Dawn Awakening Vitality” is expected to be shut down for maintenance during on March today, and the official will compensate gold coupons x1500 silver coins x15000, and collection coupons x3.

According to the official introduction, the new version of the cross-services function is open, currently opening the “training match”, “space base” and “elite selection match” cross-services matching function, and will open more cross-services gameplay. More cross-services will be opened in the future.

In addition, the game has optimized the image quality, the official said to improve the precision of the rock mapping of Saints Hills, Camp Territory, Redwood Woodland, Central Plains, Kole Mine, etc., and replaced some of the rocks; optimized the display and loading distance of the scene vegetation, buildings, and terrain under the high rating; optimized the effect of some of the seams in the scene; improved the upper limit of the number of lighting sources in the manor, and replaced some of the lamps with real light sources, so that the lighting effect of the lamps and furniture is better. The lighting effect of furniture is better; the art effect of the camp territory is optimized. Optimized the effect of buildings, vegetation and windmills in the camp; adjusted the overall effect of weather in the camp and increased the starry sky at night.

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