Home Computers Team Group successfully developed the ELITE standard DDR5 6400MHz memory

Team Group successfully developed the ELITE standard DDR5 6400MHz memory


Team Group Technology announced that its ELITE standard DDR5 memory series has another breakthrough in specifications. In order to match the next-generation platform environment, it has developed a high-performance memory with a frequency up to 6400MHz that meets the definition of the JEDEC Association. Specification.

Team Group said that in order to make the DDR5 memory module reach a stable speed of 6400MHz and above, Team Group introduced a new CKD (client clock driver) component specially designed for DDR5 memory. The biggest function of this component is to strengthen and buffer the high-frequency signal from the CPU, and stably output it to the memory module, effectively meeting the high-performance requirements of maintaining high-speed transmission under high-frequency requirements.

Team Group also announced that it is starting to apply the CKD (client clock driver) solution to DDR5 memory modules of Team Group’s T-FORCE e-sports brand and T-CREATE creator brand, which is expected to boost the frequency performance of overclocked memory modules to 9000MHz and above.

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