Home App Microsoft’s Windows 11 AI assistant Copilot feature: launch apps, run troubleshooters

Microsoft’s Windows 11 AI assistant Copilot feature: launch apps, run troubleshooters


Microsoft yesterday began to invite members of the Windows Insider project in the Beta channel to test the Windows Copilot feature in the Win11 preview.

Users just need to click the new button on the taskbar (or WIN + C) to start Windows Copilot. Windows Copilot will log in with a Microsoft account or an Azure Active Directory account.

Windows Copilot will appear as a sidebar docked to the right, without overlapping desktop content, and will run independently next to open application windows, allowing users to interact with Windows Copilot at any time.

The Windows Copilot function is currently relatively “rudimentary” and does not even support third-party plug-ins. It was previously reported that Microsoft stated in the Win11 23493 preview that it can currently perform the following tasks:

 "Switch to dark mode."

 "Turn on Do Not Disturb."


 "Summary for this site." (Activity tab in Microsoft Edge)

 "Write a story about a dog who lived on the moon."

 "Take me a picture of a serene koi pond and lily pad."

And according to new screenshots spotted by Windows enthusiast Xeno, Windows Copilot will soon support the following features:

 Invoke Accessibility: Allows users to access accessibility features in Windows 11 through Windows Copilot.

 Clock Service: Countdown etc. can be set through Windows Copilot.

 Troubleshooting: Windows Copilot will be able to solve your common PC problems.

 Task Manager Services: Copilot may have the ability to end and start services, just not entirely sure yet.

 Launch Apps: Ability to launch installed applications using Copilot.

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