Home Computers Microsoft’s 25-year-old debt reopens: Blue screen of death during Win98 demo

Microsoft’s 25-year-old debt reopens: Blue screen of death during Win98 demo


Foreign technology media NeoWin has once again unearthed an old debt from 25 years ago, when Gates demonstrated Win98 on April 20, 1998, with a blue screen of death on the device.


The public demonstration took place at the annual COMDEX trade show in Chicago, where Microsoft co-founder and then CEO Bill Gates, along with his assistant Chris Capossela, gave a public demonstration of Win98.

Capossela demonstrated the Win98 system’s support for plug-and-play by automatically blue-screening the Win98 system after connecting a scanner. This was one of the most famous blue screens in Microsoft’s history and provoked laughter from the audience.

But Capossela and Gates didn’t panic, as Gates calmly quipped, “That must be why we haven’t launched Win98 yet”.

The blue screen was not the first of its kind in Win98, the COMDEX keynote certainly made more users aware of the Windows blue screen experience.

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