Home App Microsoft PowerToys 0.68.1 update: Improved Paste in Plain Text Feature

Microsoft PowerToys 0.68.1 update: Improved Paste in Plain Text Feature


Microsoft released the PowerToys 0.68.1 software update today, a week after the previous version. This update mainly fixes the problems reported by users in the 0.68 update and improves the stability of incoming rates.

PowerToys 0.68.1 software updates as follows:

By request of some users, support Ctrl+V as an activation shortcut for pasting as plain text. Warning: Overriding default system shortcuts may have unintended consequences.

Paste As Plain Text: supports multiple pastes like Ctrl+V (press the activation key while holding down the modifier key)

Set the default shortcut for Paste as Plain Text to Ctrl+Win+Alt+V to avoid conflicts with the new Windows volume control shortcut.

Added PowerToys Run setting to disable thumbnail generation for files, reducing crashes.

There are no known issues mentioned in the changelog. PowerToys are available for download from the Microsoft Store, winget, or visit the GitHub page for more information.

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