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Microsoft admits Android 13 version of Outlook has a widget failure, will fix soon


Microsoft admitted that there is a problem with the recent update of Outlook for Android and promised to release a new version to fix it as soon as possible. Android 13 users feedback after upgrading the new version, the widget does not work properly.

Android 13 users have complained that after upgrading the latest version of Outlook for Android, the widget does not display properly or does not respond to user requests.

Android 13 users therefore tried to remove the Outlook widget from the home screen and encountered an error reminding them that the “current shortcut is not available” after trying to re-add it.

Note: This issue dates back as far as June 5, 2023, and the problem still exists in the version update Microsoft released on June 27.

Glenn Rue of Microsoft Support acknowledged the problem and promised to release a new version as soon as possible to fix it.

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