Home Computers MaxSun releases RTX 4060 Ti graphics card: Aijia X2 appearance Q cute

MaxSun releases RTX 4060 Ti graphics card: Aijia X2 appearance Q cute


The four new GeForce RTX 4060 Ti products, RTX 4060 Ti iCraft OC8G Aijia, RTX 4060 Ti iCraft OC8G, RTX 4060 Ti iCraft OC8G AijiaX2, and RTX 4060 Ti Terminator W 8G, were released today by MaxSun in sync with NVIDIA. These 4 products will also be available in 16G memory versions.

According to the introduction, MaxSun brings the first dual-fan product of the Aiga series, GeForce RTX 4060 Ti iCraft OC8G AijiaX2. With a significantly reduced size and Q-version image, the overall design of the dual-fan Aiga looks even more Q-adorned, with a simple white paint job on the front and a bright and colourful candy colour scheme on the back panel.

Maxsun RTX 4060 Ti/ RTX 4060 graphics card parameters are as follows:

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