Home Gaming League of Legends version 13.22 update, Major adjustments to mage attack speed

League of Legends version 13.22 update, Major adjustments to mage attack speed


League of Legends will start a region-wide shutdown for maintenance on November 9 to update version 13.22.

Officials stated that in addition to normal-scale balance changes, this version also has two major updates. The first major update is to clean up the attack speed of mages and mages-like heroes. The “League of Legends” team noticed that many mages’ attack speeds felt very slow, and wanted to bring their basic attack projectile speed and feel (almost) to a new standard line – with a basic attack replacement mechanism Except for heroes such as Karthus and Fiddlesticks. The “League of Legends” team also injected some early attack speed into some mages. These mages previously tended to choose small attack speed runes, but their skill sets did not have any strong synergy with basic attacks, and they did not have any at level 1. Any attack speed increase.

The second major update is a major update to Janna’s skill set. The League of Legends team is bringing back some elements of her kit from a few years ago, with the goal of making her more actively involved in the game and less focused on building ranged hurricanes.

The new skins of League of Legends are as follows:

Heartsteel Kayn

Heart of Steel Quisanti

Heartsteel Ezreal

Heart of Steel Seti

Heart of Steel Aphelios

Heart of Steel Yone

Ultimate Heartsteel Yongen

True Damage Pushing Boundaries Ike

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