Home Computers Intel releases blueprint for future chip packaging, will use glass substrate design

Intel releases blueprint for future chip packaging, will use glass substrate design


According to Intel’s official website, Intel released a blueprint for advanced packaging technology. In the blueprint, Intel expects to shift the traditional substrate to a more advanced glass material substrate.

Intel said the glass substrate can not only improve the strength of the substrate but also can further reduce power consumption and improve energy utilization. Intel developed a common package of optical component technology for this purpose, through the glass material substrate design, the use of optical transmission to increase the available bandwidth when the signal exchange. Intel said that this design also allows the chip can support hot-swappable use mode.

In Intel’s previously proposed IDM 2.0 development strategy, the foundry business will become an important transformation project for Intel, in addition to foundry manufacturing for Qualcomm and other fabless semiconductor companies, its packaging technology is also the object of Intel’s strong marketing, Intel said customers can choose to be foundry by TSMC, GF, etc., after using Intel technology for packaging, testing, this model will bring customers more This model will bring customers a more flexible way to manufacture products.

Intel said that it has already negotiated with customers of the world’s top 10 chip packaging factories, and has been favored by Cisco and AWS in the industry.

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