Home Computers HP will release new generation of Z-series workstations, likely to come with...

HP will release new generation of Z-series workstations, likely to come with new Xeon processors


HP has announced that the new product launch conference of “Intelligent New Computing Power, Public Enlightenment Z Power” will be held on May 23rd. The HP Z-Series Workstation family has been renewed and upgraded, with advanced computing power and soaring performance.

HP has yet to announce the models and configurations of the next-generation workstations. There is an Intel logo on the official promotional poster, and it is expected that the new workstation will use Intel’s latest W-2400 and W-3400 Xeon processors.

According to an earlier report, Intel W-2400 and W-3400 Xeon processors are already listed, and they need to be equipped with W790 motherboards. Currently, the highest model on sale on the retail platform is the 36-core W9-3475X, which is priced at 31,999 CNY. The 56-core flagship model W9-3495X can be purchased as an OEM package.

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