Home Apple Gurman: Apple’s AR/VR headset targets all-day wear, still exploring killer apps

Gurman: Apple’s AR/VR headset targets all-day wear, still exploring killer apps


Mark Gurman’s latest article in Bloomberg points out that within Apple, some senior executives responsible for advancing the “RealityPro” mixed reality headset are convinced that AR / VR headsets will replace the iPhone as the new pillar of Apple’s revenue business.

Attached are some of Gurman’s main points in the article.

"Apple has outlined a beautiful vision internally: a headset that can be worn around the clock. Users won't need to carry an iPhone and laptop when they go out, everything will be done in a virtual world.

Apple's first AR/VR headset will cost as much as $3,000 (currently about $20,250), but some Apple executives believe the first model will allow consumers to experience the tantalizing visuals.

Apple's first mixed reality headset, which could be called Reality Pro when it hits stores this year, features two 4K screens that produce a flexible OLED screen in front of the wearer. The headset also comes with a dozen cameras that analyze the wearer's body, eye movements and external environment.

There is no doubt that this will be a marvel and much more advanced than any other product on the market. But it's also impractical and too expensive for most consumers ......

I don't think Apple has a "real killer app" for the first headset yet. The company wants to offer immersive video viewing, tight connectivity to other Apple products, and advanced VR-based FaceTime calling, experiences that will appeal to consumers but aren't "killer" at this point."

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