Home App Google Launched Android WebView Media Integrity API, aims to improve the security

Google Launched Android WebView Media Integrity API, aims to improve the security


In May this year, Google announced the Web Environment Integrity API on the developer mailing list. This API allows websites to confirm whether the visitor’s software and hardware “comply with specific standards.” It claims to be able to embed content within the website. media content brings higher security and privacy.

However, many people believe that the Web Environment Integrity API is similar in function to DRM (Digital Rights Management) and will have an impact on the website experience, so this API proposal ultimately attracted widespread criticism from the community.

Google has finally decided to abandon the Web Environment Integrity API and launched the Android WebView Media Integrity API.

▲Image source Google

Note: If Android platform developers want to display web-based media content in Apps, they can use the WebView API. The Android WebView Media Integrity API is an extension of the WebView API. Although this API is somewhat similar in function Web Environment Integrity API, but only implemented for the WebView API embedded within the App.

▲Image source Google

It is reported that the Android WebView Media Integrity API requires Google GMS service support. Developers can use this API to obtain App and device information running the App to ensure that “streaming media content can operate in a safe and trusted environment.” However, related The device information will not include specific user information or the unique identification code of the device, nor will it obtain the Google Play authorization status of the relevant App. It will only provide a “privacy mechanism.”

Google said that this API was developed to maintain a diverse media content ecosystem in Android applications. This API is expected to begin early testing next year.


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