Home App Edge browser protocol modification tool MSEdgeRedirect version released: brings several improvements

Edge browser protocol modification tool MSEdgeRedirect version released: brings several improvements


For several years now, Microsoft has been fighting to force Windows users to use the Edge browser, often forcing links to open in the browser using the microsoft-edge:// protocol.

Now, MSEdgeRedirect, a tool to modify the browser protocol, is now available for download from GitHub. This third-party tool addresses Microsoft’s stubborn binding of Edge to various parts of Windows 10 and Windows 11, such as Windows widgets or search. The latest version resolves a situation where the app needed to update the IFEO file after every Microsoft Edge update. In addition, there are several other improvements and fixes.

Here’s what’s new in MSEdgeRedirect

Fixed PDF handling

Updated submodule code

Fixed Regex case-sensitivity issue

Added “default” option for PDF processing

Fixed issue with NoMoreEdge detection

Added warning if installer cannot copy files

Fixed issue with Windows notifications not being handled

Fixed issue with non-C: Windows installations

Fixed an edge case where MSEdgeRedirect could loop indefinitely

Temporarily removed the / update command line option. This will be improved in

Replaced the directory node with a direct IFEO pass-through. Fixed permanently the issue with requesting an update to the IFEO file.

MSEdgeRedirect is still in beta and is expected to be updated subsequently. According to the roadmap posted in the project’s GitHub repository, MSEdgeRedirect version will bring a per-user activation mode and an overhauled installer/updater. This version will be released in the spring of this year. As for the summer, the developers of MSEdgeRedirect plan to redo the user interface UI and update the documentation. Finally, version will bring refactored code and will be released before the end of the summer.

Users can download MSEdgeRedirect version from GitHub.

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