Home Gadgets DJI Responds to Rumors of Sectoral Independence: Operations as Usual

DJI Responds to Rumors of Sectoral Independence: Operations as Usual


Recently, there are rumors on the Internet that the DJI vehicle department is independent and a new company has been established. According to CSI Taurus, DJI responded by saying that the department is operating as usual and will not change its name.

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According to a previous report by Leifeng.com, DJI’s vehicle division has been officially split up and the new company is called “Shenzhen Zhuo Harness Technology Co. The source said that DJI is still a shareholder of Zhuo Harness Technology, and the former DJI vehicle team also got the corresponding shares, and the employees have signed the relevant agreements.

DJI’s vehicle department was built in 2016 with less than 10 people, but now has more than 1,000 people, about 70% of whom are R&D personnel. At the customer level, in addition to Wuling, in 2022 DJI vehicles also entered the supply chain of BYD and other car companies. According to the aforementioned report of Leifeng.com, DJI’s vehicle program focuses on urban functions, and there is a set of programs called City series. According to the plan, DJI’s vehicle starts from City Assist to City Drive and then to City Pilot in three steps.

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