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Dell: requires employees to come to work at least three days a week


Dell used to support employees working remotely from home in the wake of the new crown outbreak and claimed it would increase efficiency and flexibility. However, Dell has recently changed its tune and is requiring employees to return to the office at least three days a week, in contrast to a company executive’s promise three years ago that most employees would always telecommute.

Dell’s chief operating officer Jeff Clark sent an internal email to employees this week asking those who live within an hour’s drive of Dell’s main office to work in the office at least three out of five days a week, in contrast to a three-year-old promise by a company executive that most employees would always telecommute, according to The Register. The contrast is stark.

We want more people to work in a hybrid mode,” Clark wrote in an internal email. Those who live within an hour’s drive of the Dell office should come to the office at least three days a week. We’re still flexible — you can talk to your leader and work out a schedule that works best for you and the business within that framework.”

Clark also said he understands that employees will need time to adjust to being back in the office and that this is the beginning of a clearly defined hybrid work model at Dell. He expects those employees who are close to the office to be able to arrange their schedules as soon as possible.

This policy contradicts the comments made by Dell’s CEO Michael Dell on LinkedIn last year. At the time, Michael Dell criticized some corporate executives who complained that remote work was affecting teamwork and corporate culture, telling them “you’re doing it wrong. He also said that recalling employees to the office would not solve these problems.

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