Home Computers Colorful will push new generation of DDR5 memory, iGAME model is expected...

Colorful will push new generation of DDR5 memory, iGAME model is expected to reach 7800MHz


Colorful has now announced that its iGAME, CVN, and Tomahawk series of memory will usher in major innovations. In the new product line, three series of memory will have a new vest appearance.

The frequency of the new Tomahawk series DDR5 memory will remain at 5200-6000MHz, CVN DDR5 will reach 5600-6400MHz, and the flagship IGAME will reach a stronger frequency, and it is expected to launch 7800 frequency and higher. product specifications.

In terms of appearance, the appearance of the memory of the three series has been upgraded and improved. In addition to the latest DDR5 series, the already listed DDR4 series will also use the new vest and packaging.

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