Home Computers Burned 16-pin connector on GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card Melted cable and...

Burned 16-pin connector on GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card Melted cable and plug


The site Reddit reported the first case of NVIDIA’s 16-pin connector powering a GeForce RTX 4090 burning out and melting the plug. A player on Reddit with ID u/reggie_gakil posted a picture on the NVIDIA subreddit of a burnt-out 16-pin connector on a graphics card that powers his brand new GeForce RTX 4090 (custom model).

The pictures show that both the power adapter, which includes a 16-pin to 4×8-pin plug, and the power connector on the PCB end up in flames and melting.

Looking closely at the picture, it seems that the problem occurs around the main 12 pins under the top four extra pins. But the adapter was almost entirely burned and melted. The supplied cable confirms Nvidia’s official specs, and it has been reported before that bending the cable or applying too much pressure to the cable can cause abnormal temperatures that can eventually lead to issues like this one.

The user reported that while playing Red Dead Redemption 2 on his NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 PC, the graphics card suddenly caught fire, destroying the power connector. He also said that it could be a faulty cable and that it will be disposed of harmlessly, although we can’t figure out the cause of the problem until we have more information.

It was recently discovered that the NVIDIA 16-pin adapter cable for the GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card is simply too thick to manage in a smaller PC case, and it really hits the side panels a lot. As a result, the user will have to bend the cable frequently to close the panel, but again this is not recommended as it may heat the cable and cause the adapter to burst and catch fire.

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