Home News Bloomberg: Among mainstream phone makers, only Apple left without a foldable phone

Bloomberg: Among mainstream phone makers, only Apple left without a foldable phone


Bloomberg said in a news article that since Samsung launched its first foldable phone in 2019, various manufacturers have launched related products. With the launch of Google’s Pixel Fold, only Apple is left without a foldable phone mainstream phone manufacturers.

Apple has been developing foldable iPhones for several years now, but executives have not shown much interest in releasing such devices, according to reports.

Bloomberg says that for Apple, like the original iPhone launched in 2007, it prefers to start with an established category and offer more advanced devices rather than redesigning the iPhone line itself.

Neil Mawston, research director at Strategy Analytics, said releasing an unsellable foldable smartphone too soon could destroy the entire iPhone franchise.

Note: Samsung is the industry leader in the foldable phone market, with Xiaomi, Huawei, Tecno, Vivo, OPPO and Honor all launching foldable phones.

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