Home Apple Apple’s official website: with a new drop-down navigation menu

Apple’s official website: with a new drop-down navigation menu


Apple redesigned its official website for desktop and mobile devices to make it easier for users to find individual product pages and other useful links.

In the new desktop version of Apple’s official website, new drop-down menus appear when hovering over the categories in the top menu bar, which include Store, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Watch, AirPods, Home, Entertainment, Accessories, Technical Support, Search and Shopping Bag. Entertainment is a new category that replaces the previous “Only on Apple” and includes Apple Music, Apple Podcasts, the App Store and other Apple services.

The mobile version of the site features a new integrated drop-down menu located to the right of the top menu bar. When you click on a category in the menu, a sub-menu opens with individual product pages and additional links, similar to the desktop experience.

All in all, these changes make it easier to navigate the Apple website.

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