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Apple Music Classical hits the listing and Apple explains why it launched the app


Apple Music Classical classical music app has hit the App Store today, and Apple has released a support document explaining why it decided to launch an app specifically for classical music.

In short, Apple says the app is designed to support classical music’s complex metadata: “Classical music is different in that it has longer, more detailed titles, multiple artists per work, and numerous recordings of known repertoire. The Apple Classical app is designed to support the complex data structure of classical music.”

Apple offers a longer explanation on a new Apple Classical page:

"Classical music typically involves multiple musicians recording works that have been recorded multiple times and have different titles. For example, from the formal Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 14 to the popular alias Moonlight Sonata, or in different languages, such as the German Mondschein Sonata. such complexity has meant that classical music lovers have not been well served by streaming platforms. Until now, a unique application, included in the Apple Music subscription, gives these classical music lovers the editorial and catalog content they've been missing."

The support documentation also answers some frequently asked questions about the app, with much of the information related to how the Apple Classical app integrates with the standard Apple Music app.

Apple’s Apple Music Classical classical app offers more than 5 million classical tracks and is available for free on iOS 15.4 and later with a basic Apple Music subscription. The app is based on Primephonic, a classical music streaming service that Apple acquired in 2021. the app Currently only available for iPhone, with an Android version coming soon.

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