Home Apple Apple iPhone Colour Psychology: Red for attention, Black for confidence

Apple iPhone Colour Psychology: Red for attention, Black for confidence


The Wall Street Journal recently published an article citing Kate Smith, an Arlington, Virginia-based psychologist and colour theorist, who shares the psychology of choosing different colours for the iPhone.

Apple iPhone

The main Ms Smith’s description of the psychology of users choosing different colours is as follows:

Description of iPhone users who chose yellow: Uplifting Yellow

Users who prefer this sunny hue are likely to have uplifting associations and lift their mood in certain scenarios.

For iPhone users who choose purple: Urbane Lavender

Users who choose this colour appreciate the complexity of life or are easily influenced by pop culture.

iPhone users who choose red: Resolute Red

Users who choose this fiery colour often want to seek attention and value their strong opinions.

iPhone users who choose green: Gregarious Green

Green represents intelligence and ‘community-centricity’, while light green represents more empathy.

Choose the blue iPhone user adjective: Trusty Blue

Those who choose blue are usually trustworthy or want to be trusted by others. They also have their own quirks and like to daydream.

iPhone users who choose black: Powerful Black

Classic and elegant, a black phone imparts confidence and appreciation. iPhone users who choose this colour are usually more understated and hide their strengths.

Note: The above is from a paid article in the Wall Street Journal. the report and found no mention of the silver / white psychology.

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