Home Apple Apple iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island has shown most clearly in bright...

Apple iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island has shown most clearly in bright light


For those who want to buy the iPhone 14 Pro series, it is still necessary to look carefully at this Dynamic island before you get your hands on it to see if you can really live with it. A blogger has tweeted a fairly clear view of the iPhone 14 Pro’s bang screen, this is most accurately described as an exclamation point screen, so it is visible if in particularly clear light.

There are a lot of netizens after reading it straight out, really is too ugly, no desire to buy it at all, Apple now this design really does not know what to say.

Simply put, under strong light such as outdoor sunlight and indoor bright light, the Apple exclamation point cutout screen itself will show up, and the UI of the cutout area and the Dynamic island will also show a more obvious color difference, though it is not visible in daily use.

The current adaptation of some App software has not kept up with Apple’s pace, especially the video and game apps, which are simply not compatible with LINGUO, so let’s see how the manufacturers follow up.

At the moment, some games related to Dynamic Island have come out, so users with real machines can try them out, such as raising a pet.

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