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Apple has tested patches to resolve Wi-Fi connectivity issues on some M1 / M2 Mac devices


Citing foreign technology media 9to5Mac reported that some users of M1 / M2 chip MacBooks feedback appear Wi-Fi network connection problems. The main performance is slow Internet connection speed, resulting in video calling lag and other problems. Some users have even reported Wi-Fi interruptions.

Meter, a company that installs and manages Wi-Fi for businesses, has detailed this issue on M1 / M2 Mac devices in a new blog post. In the post, the company says that Apple has received feedback from users and that some Wi-Fi providers have reported it to Apple.

Meter writes in the blog post that “while there are many issues that appear to consumers, they are essentially caused by a drop in throughput and speed, with devices randomly disconnecting and failing to rejoin the network.

For example, UCLA IT Services has been tracking these issues through its service status dashboard, and the university’s IT team has said that the upcoming release of macOS 13.1, likely sometime this week, is expected to include fixes for these issues. The University of California appears to have worked closely with Apple’s engineers to test and eventually resolve the issue.

"Apple has upgraded the latest macOS beta to a Release Candidate that resolves a point-to-point issue affecting Wi-Fi connectivity on Apple MacBook M1 / M2 devices and Apple mobile devices. All testing of the beta and release candidate has been positive, and IT Services, Apple and other campus entities have been unable to reproduce the issue. We will be deploying macOS 13.1 as soon as we are notified of its official release."

As a temporary solution to improve WiFi connectivity, Apple recommends that users turn off the AWDL interface (which disables AirDrop / AirPlay). Users can turn it off by using a terminal application and running a script or through the user interface. Some users have reported improved WiFi performance when disabled.

It is not clear how widespread these issues are. Most reports appear to come from users connected to Wi-Fi networks managed by corporate or education teams. Typically, these types of Wi-Fi networks have different security and administrative controls that sometimes cause unique issues that do not affect other users.

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