Home App AI voice fraud is rampant: 95% simulated human voice, 77% of those...

AI voice fraud is rampant: 95% simulated human voice, 77% of those connected suffer financial losses


According to the latest report released by McAfee, voice fraud based on artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more rampant. Among the groups who receive fraudulent calls, 77% of people will cause economic losses.

Two real cases were mentioned in the report, one of which simulated the relatives of the victims through AI, expressing that they urgently needed money for certain things; kidnapping.

Since AI voice cloning tools are so cheap and available, malicious parties can quickly and easily create voice clones. The way they get sample audio is from people sharing their voices on social media. The more you share your voice online, the easier it is for threat actors to find and clone your voice.

The attached report is as follows:

 Voice cloning tool is up to 95% accurate

 77% of people who get scam calls from AI lose money financially

 More than a third lost more than $1,000

 7% were scammed between $5,000 and $15,000

 11% of people in the U.S. lost between $5,000 and $15,000

 AI scams to steal $2.6 billion in 2022

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