Home News Xiaomi Xiaoai launched two new official tones Xinghe and Kapok

Xiaomi Xiaoai launched two new official tones Xinghe and Kapok


Xiaomi Xiao Ai classmate official announcement, the new official tone officially online.

According to the introduction, the online is the two super anthropomorphic timbre star river, cottonwood. Users can set the tone by “opening the tone settings page” on the phone.

The official poster shows that the “Star River” tone is characterized by low and romantic, and the “Cottonwood” tone is characterized by gentle and introspective. It is important to note that to experience the relevant timbre, you need to upgrade the Xiaoxia classmate App to V5.127.

Xiaoxia classmates are Xiaomi’s artificial intelligence voice interaction engine, the AI virtual assistant that connects everything. It is installed in Xiaomi cell phones, Xiaomi AI speakers, Xiaomi TV, and many other Xiaomi ecological chain devices. In August last year, Xiao Ai’s classmates announced that the number of monthly active users exceeded 100 million.

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