Home News Lantu FREE caught fire in Xiangyang Hubei raising battery concerns

Lantu FREE caught fire in Xiangyang Hubei raising battery concerns

A Lantu FREE electric vehicle got engulfed in fire, the cause of the fire isn't clear but the company is investigating the issue.


Yesterday, Lantu came through with a statement regarding its Lantu FREE models accident. This accident can’t be the fault of the vehicle driver, as it might involve the car’s battery. For some reason, the model in question caught on fire while in Xiangyang Hubei.

The company did a good job by not being lax about the whole issue. Immediately after the accident, Lantu Motors was quick to begin an analysis of the entire sad event. Fortunately, there were no casualties as the company gave their condolences and support to the vehicle’s owner.

Lantu FREE

Investigation regarding the fire incident is still ongoing, but the company has given a statement. In the event of the accident, no one got hurt, and no properties in the area were affected by the fire outbreak. The fire on its part only damaged some part of the vehicle, not engulfing it. The actual reason for the Lantu FREE fire incident isn’t certain yet the company promises to give a full breakdown of the reason once they are certain of it. 

But this isn’t the first time that an electric vehicle gets in a fire accident. Sometime in February, an electric vehicle in Belgium caught on fire in a garage under a restaurant. A few months after that incident a Tesla model Y caught on fire with its owner inside. The owner had to break the window to escape the raging flames. A Series of EV fire issues have also occurred in India over the past few months.

All these sad events raise questions about the battery integrity of electric vehicles. Most companies are working hard on their EV batteries to reduce the occurrence of such fire events. We hope Lantu Motors comes up with an effective solution to battery issues if that is what led to the Lantu FREE fire accident.

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