Home Xiaomi Is the “1-inch outsole” really 1 inch? Xiaomi 12S Ultra disassembly

Is the “1-inch outsole” really 1 inch? Xiaomi 12S Ultra disassembly


In the field of photography, many people believe in the concept of “one-inch big bottom is one inch strong” and “the bottom is big enough to crush people”. As the third phone with a 1-inch base, does the Xiaomi 12S Ultra really have a 1-inch CMOS sensor? JerryRigEverything, a well-known oil tube channel, disassembled the machine and took measurements.

In the smartphone industry, a 1-inch CMOS sensor is limited due to the limitation of physical space size. Currently, there are 3 phones with 1-inch outsoles, one is the AQUOS R6 released by Sharp in June 2021, another is the Xperia Pro-I released by Sony in November 2021, and the third is Xiaomi’s 12S Ultra.

However, it is important to note that these so-called “1-inch base phones” are more accurately referred to as “1-inch base type phones”, which does not mean that the internal measurements can reach 1-inch.

If you’re really serious, almost all camera and phone manufacturers are “cheating” because the actual measured CMOS sensor size is slightly less than 1 inch. This has been a long-standing problem, and unfortunately, no company involved in the production of cameras, camera sensors, or smartphones has any incentive to address it.

So we have to get used to the fact that sometimes “an inch” doesn’t really mean an inch.

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