Home Huawei Huawei sues Amazon over patent dispute

Huawei sues Amazon over patent dispute


The case will be heard on December 8 at the Suzhou Intermediate People’s Court in Jiangsu Province.


Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei in June 2019 has said that Huawei’s many intellectual property rights will not be weaponized, intellectual property rights are cross-licensed to each other, “we are too busy, developing too fast to charge royalties, when we are not busy, when we are idle, even if we want royalties, we will not want as much as Qualcomm “.

In addition, on 6 April this year, Huawei’s Heartbeat community disclosed the minutes of a meeting on “Report on Patent Licensing Business” issued by President Ren Zhengfei. It was mentioned therein that Huawei’s intellectual property rights used to be for self-defense, but now that it has some say, it has to build a reasonable price benchmark, and patent fees should not be charged for the sake of charging, nor should they be too low, as asking too low would curb innovation in the whole society.

A check of Huawei’s 2021 financial report shows that by the end of 2021, Huawei held more than 45,000 validly granted patents worldwide (over 110,000), with over 90% of the patents being invention patents. In addition, Huawei ranked first in both the State Intellectual Property Office of China and the European Patent Office in terms of patents granted in 2021, and fifth in terms of patents granted in 2021 at the US Patent and Trademark Office.

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